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Weather forecast for December, when heavy snowfall is expected

Weather forecast for December, when heavy snowfall is expected

Meteorologist Akil Osmani has stated that in the following days of next week we will have rain and snow, which are expected to culminate on December 9 and 10.

Osmani made the comments through a link to Euronea Albania, where he made the weather forecast for the next few days.

He said that air temperatures are expected to be high until December 25, not dropping drastically.

"The most problematic weekend were the wind parameters, which were very strong in the open sea, causing the waves to be over 6 degrees. Weather conditions are under the influence of clouds, causing light rain to fall in the western lowlands during the evening hours and Sunday morning.

Air temperatures today were very high, reaching 21-22 degrees. It has been a southerly wind that has caused us to have an increase in temperatures and feel them even higher. The afternoon will bring a drop in temperatures, which will be felt during the next week.

This coming week is predicted to be under the influence of many clouds. There will be snowfall in mountainous areas. On December 9 and 10, it is expected that there will be rain in the entire Albanian territory, with high intensity. Temperatures are expected to be high until December 25. Even in the western lowlands, high temperatures are expected, from 8-18 degrees" , Osmani said.


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