Fight between girls, police provide details: The conflict started on the Tirana-Durrës highway

Fight between girls, police provide details: The conflict started on the

Tirana Police have provided details regarding the fight that occurred between several girls. Citizen Kasandra Cani has been arrested for the criminal offense of "Intentional serious injury" and "Unlicensed production, possession, purchase or sale of cold weapons."

 Also, the materials were referred to the Prosecutor's Office and proceedings were initiated against citizen Xhemile Verlaku, 24 years old, for the criminal offenses of "Other intentional damage", "Threat" and "Rape of the apartment".

Xhemile Verlaku and her sister Esma Verlaku went to the police to report a fight between girls that occurred near Vora, but before the procedures were completed, they left the police station and went to have a conflict with citizen Kasandra Cani. During the conflict, Cani injured citizen Esma Verlaku with a cutting tool.

Police Station No. 2 has meticulously followed legal procedures and has been ready to handle the case, and at no point has it been refused receipt of the report.

"The Crime Investigation Specialists of Police Commissariat No. 2, at the conclusion of the first investigative and procedural actions, at 15:30, on 20.01.2025, arrested in flagrante delicto, citizen KC, 26 years old, for the criminal offenses of "Intentional serious injury" and "Unlicensed production, possession, purchase or sale of cold weapons."

They also referred the materials to the Prosecutor's Office and initiated proceedings in the absence of citizen Xh. V., 24 years old, for the criminal offenses of "Other intentional damage", "Threat" and "Rape of the apartment".

On 20.01.2025, at 02:34 in the morning, citizens EV, 22 years old, and Xh. V., 24 years old, presented themselves at the premises of Police Commissariat No. 2 to report a conflict they had with several other citizens on the Tirana-Durres highway, near Vora, but they did not provide any other details on the people involved or the vehicles used.


The Police Services informed them about the way to handle such cases and the procedures to be followed. They were asked to wait for the report to be received by the Judicial Police Officer, but the citizens left the Police Station at 02:38, without completing the reporting procedure.

The investigation shows that, after leaving the Police Station, citizens EV and Xh. V. (sister) are suspected of having gone to the apartment of citizen KC and having a physical conflict. During this conflict, citizen KC is suspected of having struck citizen EV with a cutting instrument, who is currently in hospital, under the care of doctors. The materials for this case have been passed on to the Prosecutor's Office for further action.

We emphasize that Police Station No. 2 has meticulously followed the legal procedures and has been ready to handle the case, and at no point has they been refused to receive the report. This is also documented by the video footage of Police Station No. 2, which shows the actions of the Police officers and the two citizens and the time they stayed at the Police Station for 4 minutes. After that, they left without completing the reporting procedure," the police announced.

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