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Today is Blue Monday, the story behind the saddest day of the year

Today is Blue Monday, the story behind the saddest day of the year

Blue Monday, which this year falls on January 20, 2025, is a day with an interesting and unique history. However, few know the origin of the term and why this day is called "blue."

For many people, January is one of the saddest months of the year.

After the Christmas holidays, with the meetings and joyful moments spent with friends and family, the daily reality of work and studies returning after the holidays is often accompanied by a feeling of melancholy.

Also, high holiday expenses make January seem like a difficult month to cope with financially, increasing feelings of boredom.

In 2005, British psychologist Cliff Arnall devised a formula for understanding and overcoming this sad time of year. He identified the third Monday in January as “the saddest day of the year” and called this phenomenon Blue Monday.

According to him, a combination of factors such as debt created by Christmas spending, loss of motivation to achieve New Year's resolutions, and returning to the usual routine, helped make this day the saddest of all.

However, this theory has faced criticism, as many scientists and psychologists have described it as invalid and scientifically unsubstantiated.

They argue that there is no strong evidence to support the idea that any given day is sadder than others.

However, this "sad day" has gained some popularity and has been embraced by many people, who see it as an opportunity to reflect on the past year and face the first challenges of the new year.

Blue Monday is more of a popular culture concept than a scientific reality, but it continues to be an event that stirs the emotions of many individuals and invites them to confront the melancholy of January.

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