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Reform in justice 'found a father', and nothing happened with 'Noc Rrokun'!

Reform in justice 'found a father', and nothing happened with

From Gent Strazimiri

We knew about 'American', 'Euro-Atlantic' from conception, with mother and father...

We knew an 'external' product, with a warranty and quality seal 'Made in EU' or 'Made in USA', unchallenged by anyone.

It was received as the 'sword of God' that would punish the sins and sinners in this 'Sodom' of modern times, in which we live...

It was promoted as a kind of 'divinity', a kind of 'immaculate conception' for which it was heresy to even think that it could have imperfections...

The 'woodpile' of the digital age was ready at any moment, waiting for anyone who dared to call it by its true name: a bastard spawn, without ancestors, with a questionable mother and many possible and unknown fathers. .

But yesterday, his father finally came out!

Her paternity was assumed by the ruler of 'Sodom', he, without whose command no sin occurs...

The one who, while this child was conceived without a past and without a future, repeatedly, publicly, declared that he did not know her, had not even known her 'mother', and even refused to read the 'draft prepared by the internationals', from those who had assumed the authorship of the impregnation...

The one who would accept their child as it would come out...

Yesterday, while publicly admitting 'paternity', he also added that he was his 'favorite child', that he had dreamed and conceived him 'in his own image', to do exactly what he is doing today...

As of yesterday, no one can hide behind the Euro-Atlantic passport of 'justice reform', whose father came out, and is the unrepentant son of a persecutor, the murderer of poets.

As of yesterday, any of the rural evening studios who cares about being 'correct' with the official information they use, have 'Noc Rroku' left in their hands....

But, the genealogical tree of the "justice reform" is official, with first-hand testimony, through the mouth and the dirtiest face of this "Sodom" of ours.

Her father!

In short, 'justice reform' is nothing but a local craft product of 'Sodom', with grandparents from 'Gomorrah', formed in the 'Gulag Archipelago' and with a user manual 'Animal Frame'.. .

It is indeed a mixture of literary characters and holy books, but in holy books the characters are of two types: divine and devilish.

There you find both heaven and hell.

There is only one difference with our reality: everything is upside down!!

This is not 'divine' at all!

Since we are really suffering, and we are not reading it as an event from somewhere else, even though it is comic in abundance, it doesn't even seem like a 'comedy' to me!!! On the contrary!

PS from this moment, 'Noc Rroku' is requested to show his punt!


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