Flash News
A city in Serbia declares Vucic persona non grata
Chicken fillet with salmonella on the market, AKU blocks the meat
On Sunday, Eid al-Fitr, prayers will be offered at "Skënderbej Square"
TNT was planted in 2024, SPAK searches the Nikolli sisters' apartment
Several theft cases in Vlora and Selenica solved, 2 perpetrators arrested
CDU / CSU motion in Bundestag for Western Balkans, prompt membership prospect required
A day before the EU-Balkan summit, Germany's main opposition party is stepping up pressure on the government over the Western Balkans. The parliamentary group of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU / CSU) in the Bundestag has submitted a motion to the German parliament which is being discussed today, 22.06, in the plenum. German lawmakers call on the German government to achieve in the EU a "rapid, clear, credible and tangible progress perspective" on the membership of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, northern Macedonia and Serbia. BE.
Opposition MPs also demand that intermediate steps be taken with the candidate countries to bring them even closer to the EU. Specifically, they suggest non-voting associate membership in the common foreign, security and defense policies as well as in the EU internal market, in exchange for reforms and implementation of the Copenhagen criteria and progress in the rule of law.
Commitment to the recognition of Kosovo
The deputies demand in their motion that the German government influence the EU member states that do not recognize Kosovo to recognize it. Deputies suggest that the German government argue this with the new security situation created after the Russian aggression in Ukraine. The deputies further demand the commitment of German diplomacy for Kosovo's membership in international organizations as soon as possible, and as a first step in the Council of Europe.
Among other things, the deputies demand a firm refusal to change the borders in the Western Balkan countries, the prospect of their membership in NATO, the increase in the fight against corruption, the continuation of the "Berlin Process" for regional cooperation and development and reforms within the EU. that ensure its absorption capacity in the future.
Danger to peace within the EU
"Russian aggression against Ukraine has highlighted the vulnerability of borders in the heart of Europe," lawmakers argued in their petition, as well as the fact that frozen conflicts could escalate and spread rapidly. "Such conflicts endanger the stability and interests of the EU peace."
Despite great progress in recent decades, the Western Balkans remain an unstable region, with organized crime, corruption and a weak judiciary.
Në kërkesën e tyre deputetët vënë në dukje edhe ekzistencën e problemeve ndëretnike dhe ndërfetare. "Është në interesin e vetë BE-së që gjashtë shtetet e Ballkanit Perëndimor – Shqipëria, Bosnja dhe Hercegovina, Kosova, Mali i Zi, Maqedonia e Veriut dhe Serbia – të cilat nuk janë ende anëtare të BE-së, por janë të rrethuara drejtpërdrejt vetëm nga shtetet anëtare të BE-së, të arrijnë stabilitet afatgjatë, sundim ligji, zgjidhje paqësore të mosmarrëveshjeve, struktura solide demokratike dhe prosperitet ekonomik.” Në këtë mënyrë, synimi duhet të mbetet që në të ardhmen të kemi Shqipërinë, Bosnjën dhe Hercegovinën, Kosovën, Malin e Zi, Maqedoninë e Veriut dhe Serbinë, shkruajnë deputetët./ DW
The motion, entitled "Renewing the EU perspective for the Western Balkan countries with a committed policy", after a 40-minute debate, is expected to pass for consultation to the responsible foreign affairs committees.
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