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The former Vice President of the USA also did it/ "The middle finger, a right given by God", Kelliç's gesture is not forbidden

The former Vice President of the USA also did it/ "The middle finger, a

The poster of Belind Këlliç, where he pointed the middle finger at those who abuse citizens' taxes in Tirana, caused a stir in the Albanian media. The Mayor of the Municipality, Erion Veliaj, called this a serious act, but in fact history has shown that that gesture is not a forbidden thing.

Use in Canada

Giving your neighbor the middle finger may not be polite, but it is protected as part of a person's right to freedom of expression under the Canadian constitution. Canadian judge Dennis Galiatsatos in a 26-page ruling dismissed a case against a man accused of harassing his neighbor in a Montreal suburb.

The former Vice President of the USA also did it/ "The middle finger, a
Canadian judge, Dennis Galiatsatos

"To be perfectly clear, it is not a crime to give someone the finger," he said in a Feb. 24 ruling. "The middle finger is a 'God-given right,' guaranteed by statute, that belongs to every red-blooded Canadian," he added, referring to Canada's charter of rights and freedoms.

Gjesti i gishtit të mesëm, vendosi Galiatsatos, "mund të mos jetë civil, mund të mos jetë i sjellshëm, mund të mos jetë zotëri... Megjithatë, ai nuk shkakton përgjegjësi penale".

Një ndër momentet më të hershme të ‘gishtit të mesit’ në politikë

Një nga gishtat e mesëm politik më të vjetër për të cilin ekzistojnë prova fotografike është një imazh ikonë i Zëvendës Presidentit të SHBA-së, Nelson Rockefeller që jep shifrën e mesit të rinjve në Universitetin Binghamton në Nju Jork. Bob Dole është në sfond.

Rockefeller, asokohe nënkryetar i Shteteve të Bashkuara, ishte në një luhatje fushate në pjesën veriore të Nju Jorkut më 16 shtator 1976, me Senatorin Bob Dole, i cili ishte zgjedhur të ishte kandidati i Presidentit Gerald Ford për zgjedhjet e vitit 1976.

The former Vice President of the USA also did it/ "The middle finger, a
Former Vice President of the USA from 1974-1977, Nelson Rockefeller

When someone in a group of dirty leftist SUNY Binghamton students gave Rockefeller the finger, Rockefeller immediately returned it, much to Dole's delight in the background.

At the time, Rockefeller's thumbs-up was scandalous, and the gesture was then referred to as the "Rockefeller Salute." Rockefeller refused to apologize for his outburst.

"I was just responding in kind," he said, neatly avoiding the point that the apology was not expected to go to the petitioners, but to the general public. Bob Dole was asked by a reporter why he didn't join Rockefeller in the "salute . " He replied, "I have problems with my right arm."

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