Flash News
Xhafaj's tears and successive lies, Salianji publishes the documents: 10 simple facts that cannot be hidden
Kamikaze drones for the army, Rama: Nobody should worry about who Albania will hit
Erdogan meets Rama, arrives at the Prime Minister's office
President Erdogan arrives in Tirana, heads towards the Presidency
Erdogan in Tirana, the capital is armored, over 700 troops on the ground
Gara për postin e drejtorit të Policisë së Shtetit, aplikantët 7 ditë afat për të dorëzuar kandidaturat!
Aplikantët për postin e Drejtorit të Përgjithshëm të Policisë së Shtetit kanë 7 ditë afat, duke nisur nga dita e sotme, për të dorëzuar kandidaturat.
The names of the candidates will be made public after 7 days, after the end of the applications.
The applicants will be evaluated in advance by a Special Commission, which will consist of a Deputy Minister of the Interior, the Secretary General of the Ministry of the Interior and the Director General of the Police Supervision Agency.
Vendimet për kualifikimin ose skualifikimin e aplikantëve merren me shumicën e votave, ndërsa vendimet për vlerësimin e kandidatëve merren individualisht nga çdo anëtar i Komisionit, sipas rregullave të përcaktuara në këtë udhëzim.
Candidates who compete for the position of director of the State Police must also meet several criteria, such as: The rank of middle management role, have Albanian citizenship; not to have been convicted of committing a criminal offense by a final court decision; not to have received disciplinary measures within the last 5 years, to be in health conditions that allow him to perform the relevant task, and to have no conflict of interest in the exercise of the task, in accordance with the legislation on conflict of interest.
Special Commission
The Special Candidate Evaluation Committee will consist of:
a) One of the deputy ministers, appointed by the Minister of the Interior, chairman;
b) Secretary General of the Ministry of the Interior, member;
c) General Director of the Police Supervision Agency, member.
Vendimet për kualifikimin ose skualifikimin e aplikantëve merren me shumicën e votave, ndërsa vendimet për vlerësimin e kandidatëve merren individualisht nga çdo anëtar i Komisionit, sipas rregullave të përcaktuara në këtë udhëzim.
The candidate for General Director of the State Police presents documents proving that he meets the conditions provided for in Article 56 of the Law on No. 82/2024 "For the State Police".
The candidate submits supporting documents for each of the legal conditions below:
a) holds one of the ranks of the middle management role;
b) të ketë shtetësi shqiptare;
c) not to have been convicted of committing a criminal offense, with a court decision in the form of
ç) not having taken the disciplinary measures defined in letters "c", "ç" and "d" of point 1 of article 123 of Law 82/2024 "On the State Police", within the last 5 (five) years;
d) to be in health conditions that allow him to perform the relevant task.
dh) not to have a conflict of interest in the exercise of the duty, in accordance with the legislation on the conflict of interest.