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"Veliaj is a political 'corpse'", Bushati: His arrest does not affect the result, we are not a democracy

"Veliaj is a political 'corpse'", Bushati: His arrest does

Analyst Andi Bushati has described the arrested mayor Erion Veliaj as a "political corpse", discarded by the Socialist Party itself.

Speaking on MCN, he said that the mayor's arrest will not affect the SP's result in the elections.

According to him, the SP will get the same votes even without Veliaj, since we are not a democracy, and votes are traded. Bushati also points out that SPAK has the duty to conduct a model process against Veliaj and other senior politicians. 

"Does Veliaj have the right to use tactics that work in his favor? Unquestionably yes. Within the law, he can use all tactics. In this sense, there is no scandal in Veliaj's approach. There is no scandal in the request to remove Dado. Veliaj will drag Olsi Dado into a conflict and say that he has a conflict and cannot be my prosecutor.

SPAK has an obligation, for all senior politicians it is obliged to conduct a model process. To convince even the supporters that a fair process is being conducted. If the evidence against Veliaj holds up, he is easy prey for any prosecutor. I believe that the Veliaj file is benevolent.

Investigating a man who robbed a bank, like a man who stole money from someone's pocket on a bus, is kind to him. Veliaj is politically a burnt card, he is a political corpse, even the SP, his own people have thrown him away. Rama himself, who makes both rain and sunshine, told any man who raised his voice in favor of Velija to stop, you have no right to speak. The political career of the one who was considered Rama's dolphin, is already over.

But all rights must be implemented. No matter how big the blows, there can be no bigger blows than those inflicted on the opposition with Berisha and Meta and the SP with Veliaj. So far, this has not changed anything electorally. It would change if we were a democracy. Votes are manipulated, traded and bought. As with Veliaj in the past, and without Veliaj today, the SP will receive the same votes. The role of SPAK is insignificant in the electoral battle.

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