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Will the government "wear pants or a dress" for the battle against corruption?

Will the government "wear pants or a dress" for the battle against

This Thursday, the next session took place in the Assembly, where the Special Commissions for "Anticorruption" were voted with 73 votes in favor, 7 against and 1 abstention and the Commission for "Disinformation" with 73 votes in favor and 7 against and no abstentions.

 The socialist "old jacket" who led the Reform in Justice 8 years ago, or the self-styled "Father of Reform in Justice", Fatmir Xhafaj, has been selected by Prime Minister Edi Rama to be at the head of this structure together with Klotilda Bushka. Eduard Shalsin, Etilda Gjonajn, Evis Kushin and Toni Gogun.

Will the government "wear pants or a dress" for the battle against

In the midst of all the debates, the boycott by the opposition, the "difficulty" to choose the members of this commission, the question naturally arises: How can you fight yourself? Can you be so manly as to give the antidote to the poison spread knowingly for so many years?

Shocking! It would be a beautiful hope, but suddenly you run into facts. A government that says it will fight corruption while in its veins, dozens of figures have ended up in cells or at the doors of SPAK.

It is a little beyond imagination, whether the governors will "wear" pants or dress in skirts, having only chatter as this seems to be a party initiative, more like a beautifully clipped advertisement than a commission to fight corruption.

Rama first presented what is known as the "Resolution for deepening reforms for good governance, rule of law and anti-corruption for Albania 2030 in the European Union" at a meeting of the Socialist Party in April.

When the resolution was approved by the parliament on May 27, Rama said that the initiative "is necessary for Albania's membership in the EU".

But concerns have also been raised that it could constitute an attempt to interfere with the country's reformed justice system and hinder the work of the SPAK and the Special Court Against Organized Crime - bodies created as a result of a justice reform program which has continued with US and EU support since 2016.

The new Rama Special Commission will be able to summon the heads of justice institutions to the parliament.


The opposition "shakes" the Parliament

The Democratic Party parliamentary group did not participate in the vote, saying it could not support anti-corruption initiatives by what it described as a corrupt government.

Gazmend Bardhi, head of the DP parliamentary group, said that the fight against corruption, good governance and the rule of law that Prime Minister Edi Rama talks about are just propaganda of the day.

Will the government "wear pants or a dress" for the battle against
Gazmend Bardhi

Today in the Assembly, as the vote was taken, they voted against the "Anticorruption" Commission; Lindita Metaliaj, Dashnor Sula, Edmond Spaho, Dashamir Shehi, Oerd Bylykbashi, Tritan Shehu.

E teksa brenda në Kuvend po bëheshin diskutimet opozita dhe qytetarët kanë protestuar para Parlamentit duke u përplasur dhe me policinë dhe duke ndezur zjarr me goma. Indicia kryesore e kësaj proteste ishte një pjesë e emisionit italian Rai 3, ku qeveria shqiptare dilte hapur e përfshirë me krimin dhe korrupsionin.

Will the government "wear pants or a dress" for the battle against
Pankarta nga protesta

Opozita kërkoi dorëheqjen e kryeministrit Edi Rama pas skandaleve të shumta dhe faktin se mediat e huaja e kanë cilësuar Shqipërinë si një narkoshtet.

Kryeministri Edi Rama ka reaguar pas tensioneve të fundit në Kuvend dhe protestës para këtij institucioni.

Rama shprehet se autorët e rikthimit kaq të shpejtë në identitet të opozitës sot në parlament, ishin Arben Ahmetaj, Sali Berisha, një kriminel italian i dënuar 17 vjet nga drejtësia shqiptare, një ish-prokuror i përjashtuar nga sistemi i drejtësisë dhe programi i RAI 3.

Vesi del me shpirtin, thotë kryeministri, por shton se shpirtit të së keqes që po del me të çjerra nga jeta e këtij vendi. Gjithashtu shkruan: “Mos i falni më, duhen shkatërruar përfundimisht me votë”.

Will the government "wear pants or a dress" for the battle against
Edi Rama

 Thirrja e Ramës

Ndërkaq më 27 MAJ 2024, Kuvendi i Shqipërisë miratoi pr. rezolutën anti korrupsion dhe mirëqeverisje të propozuar nga Partisë Socialiste.

Vetë kryeministri për të mbrojtur pr/rezolutën duke e bërë të qartë se komisioni i posaçëm nuk ka lidhje me punën e prokurorisë së Posaçme, ftoi opozitën ta votojë.

Nëse nuk e votoni u tha Rama, nesër të mos bojkotojnë Komisionin e Posaçëm anti-korrupsion, për të cilin tha se do të ngrihet menjëherë pas miratimit në Kuvend.

Po ashtu kryeministri nuk “harroi” që të bëjë vetëvlerësim duke nënkuptuar se është i zgjuar dhe largpamës.

“Thirrja ime është votojeni sot draftin e rezolutës dhe po nuk e gjetët këtë forcë për ta bërë, mos e bojkotoni nesër Komisionin e Posaçëm Parlamentar që do të ngrihet menjëherë pas miratimit të saj. Sa herë që ju kam thënë në këtë sallë, kthejuni memories, 10 vjet e kusur, “mos e bëni këtë, mos bëni atë, këtë bëjeni, shikoni bëni këtë”, ka dalë siç iu kam thënë, jo siç keni bërë apo nuk keni bërë ju dhe e dini pse?

Për një arsye shumë të thjeshtë. Jo se unë jam më i zgjuar apo më i zoti sesa ju, por sepse ju s’keni dashur kurrë ta mësoni se vendimmarrjet me shikimin deri tek hunda jote, rrugën që duket shumë e shkurt ta bëjnë pafundësisht të gjatë dhe prandaj ne jemi këtu dhe ju jeni aty”, tha Rama gjatë fjalës së tij.


Deputetët socialist “të kulluar”

“Krimi, krimi, droga droga”, e tanimë “mafja mafja, tendera tendera, korrupsion, korrupsion”. Më poshtë po ju listojmë disa nga deputetët e Parlamentit të Shqipërisë të cilët e kanë “emrin e zi” në botën e drejtësisë dhe ligjit.

Will the government "wear pants or a dress" for the battle against
Fatmir Xhafaj

1. Fatmir Xhafaj, i vetëquajturi “Babai i Reformës në Drejtësi”,  është subjekt i ligjit “Antimafia”, për shkak se është vëllai i Geron Xhafaj, një eksponent i krimit të organizuar në Vlorë, i dënuar në Itali për përfshirje në grup kriminal që trafikonte lëndë narkotike në Itali

Operation "Force of the Law" (OFL), initiated at the beginning of 2020, provided for a property investigation for all subjects of organized crime and their immediate family members. A few years ago, it was clearly mentioned in the media that the OFL structure sent Geron Xhafaj and his family members (including his brother Fatmir Xhafaj) the form for the self-declaration of assets, which would then be subjected to investigations by SPAK .

There is no detail as to whether the SPAK has conducted a property investigation against the brothers Fatmir and Agron (Geron) Xhafaj, even though 4 years have passed. Now, deputy Fatmir Xhafaj stands in front of the head of SPAK and philosophises on strengthening the fight against criminality.

Will the government "wear pants or a dress" for the battle against
Olta Xhačka

2. Olta Xhaçka, deputy of the Socialist Party, former Minister of Defense and Foreign Affairs, is subject twice in SPAK investigations. She and her husband, Artan Gaçi, are part of the investigation into the alienation of a piece of land in Dhërmi, where then Prime Minister Edi Rama declared it a "strategic investment".

Olta Xhaçka is also part of an investigation developed by SPAK about the procedures developed by the Ministry of Defense, when it was headed by Xhaçka, regarding the alienation of the port of Limion in Saranda, which was given for "strategic investment".

Will the government "wear pants or a dress" for the battle against
Eduard Ndreca,

3. Eduard Ndreca, the socialist deputy of Lezha who is mentioned in the "Metamorfoza 3" file, was also attentive in Altin Duman's latest report to Parliament.

The data of the investigative file show a passage in which Arian Tuku, the son-in-law of former MP Arben Ndoka, discusses in October 2020 with one of his associates, about securing a shipment of about 300 kg of narcotics, cannabis.

Will the government "wear pants or a dress" for the battle against
Damian Gjiknuri

4. Damian Gjiknuri, socialist deputy, former Minister of Energy, is one of the key names in what is considered the "incinerator affair". He is on the top-list of persons criminally charged by the Democratic Party, after the completion of the work of the Parliamentary Investigative Committee on the issue of waste incineration plants.

Will the government "wear pants or a dress" for the battle against
Xhemal Kefalia

5. Xhemal Qefalia, deputy of the Socialist Party, reported to SPAK together with his close family members for dubious benefits from Tirana Municipality funds.



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