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Rama is "scared to the core" of abandonment, "pulls the ear" of entrepreneurship: Increase the salaries of employees

Rama is "scared to the core" of abandonment, "pulls the ear"

Different age groups in the country have "abandoned" Albania for a better future for themselves.

There are many young people who, in the absence of a good salary, a real job, have chosen the unknown paths of emigration, leaving their homeland behind.

Apparently, in this campaign launch, Prime Minister Edi Rama "has come to his senses". As he has seen around him that the population in the country is shrinking, Rama has thrown his tentacles at the entrepreneurs asking them to treat the employees with dignity and increase the salary level.

Prime Minister Edi Rama, as he started the informative meetings with representatives of big business for the increase of the minimum wage from Durrës, says: "The dignified treatment of employees should not be a problem, but the solution. Raise wages and keep human capital intact, because when they lose human capital, they lose everything. We will do our own for this part. We live in a system that does not allow the government, but this is a matter of competition. On the other hand, we cannot stand by and watch, because certain companies do not treat their employees well. In 2030, the goal is that Albania does not have a salary lower than 60 thousand ALL. ", Rama said.

Also, Prime Minister Rama specifically focused on the construction sector, while he said that there are companies that declare minimum wages and far from the sector's wage standard.

The Prime Minister warned these companies, saying that if they violate the rules, they will not be able to get permits and cannot enter the competition to benefit from public tenders.

" We will not allow to enter public tenders, those companies that have salary levels that do not present the reality of salaries. We will not give construction permits to those companies that do evasion and abuse of wages and we will start, step by step, to ask companies that want to have contracts or rights obtained from the state, to ask for the collective labor contract, which guarantees the right of workers. We will demand that the companies prepare collective labor contracts" , he emphasized.

But all this "ear pulling" is propaganda and a way for Rama to show the people that: I am with you, I know every situation and I am trying to choose you.

Sakaq ditën e djeshme (11 prill) Partia Socialiste ka çelur fushatën elektorale sa i takon zgjedhjeve të 14 majit, me sloganin “Kurrë më mbrapa, vetëm përpara”.

Gjatë fjalës së tij, kryeministrit i vendit Edi Rama është shprehur se është krenar për vlerën e shtuar që fitoret e PS-së kanë sjellë për Shqipërinë

Dhe si gjithmonë nuk hoqi dorë nga rritja e pagës së premtuar.

Sa shumë dëme do ishin shmangur pa votën e atyre të tjerëve. Mjafton të shikoni Shkodrën, ku vota kundër PS nuk ka sjellë asnjë ndryshim pozitiv. Ka krijuar një pashallëk të një force politike, që duke drejtuar vetëm mbrapsht e ka shndërruar një nga qendrat kulturore të vendit në papastërti. Sot negociojmë anëtarësimin në BE dhe kemi mundësuar tanimë rritjen e pagës mesatare në 900 euro fillim vitit të ardhshëm.

Është frut i mundimit të atyre që na kanë besuar dhe na kanë votuar. Kjo rritje pagash nuk është vetëm fund ii një kapitulli ndryshimi, po dhe fillimi i një kapitulli të përbashkët ku kemi vendosur ta ngrijmë Shqipërinë. 10000 euro duam ti çojmë të ardhurat për fryme dhe të kemi një pagë minimale të paktën 60 mijë lekë. Pavarësisht rrëzimeve gjatë rrugës, jo vetëm që këto nuk bëhen po vendi ecën mbrapa.”, ka thënë Rama.

Kujtojmë që pak ditë më para, kreu i qeveris ka bërë premtime të mëdha pensionistëve, duke shkelur kështu dhe Kodin Zgjedhor.

Kodi Zgjedhor përcakton në nenin 91 të tij se në një periudhë 4 muaj para zgjedhjeve ndalohen vendime me efekte financiare si rritje pagash e pensionesh, ndryshime në politikat fiskale, si dhe investime të paparashikuara në buxhetin e shtetit.

Pasi njoftoi rritje pagash në nivelin e 900 eurove dhe 5 mijë lekë shtesë për pensionistët në muajin Prill, shkelja e Ramës këtë herë erdhi brenda institucionit që ai drejton.

" I wanted to greet you and tell you that it has been so many years since we worked together and you work with dedication and without a schedule. I believe you have been deserving for a long time in fact, but the opportunity to make it possible has only now arisen. You know how much difficulty we had to overcome to create this base, to tell you now that it is time to make a very significant salary increase. I took here some concrete cases, benefiting and expressing gratitude to some of you who are legends of this institution. For the minimum wage, adjustments will start from top to bottom. This was our big break, now I run to work. And when you said run, run," said Rama.


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