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Meta unveils the program for agriculture: Globalism, deadly for peoples who do not protect their roots

Meta unveils the program for agriculture: Globalism, deadly for peoples who do

The President of the Freedom Party, Ilir Meta, today organized a roundtable on agriculture, where he stated that with the PL program for this sector, it is intended to attack depopulation, which he called a deliberate agenda of the government.

Meta said that his goal is for Albania not to be under global governance, but for Albanians to be governed by their will.

"I will continue with a figure, an icon of our clergy, who is no longer alive, Father Zef Pllumi, - said Meta and added: "He always told me: "We can have shepherd people, we can't have factory people!" And we, if we don't deal with livestock and agriculture, if we don't deal with these, we are not who we are. So we give, through our program, a crushing blow in the first place to depopulation, which has the main pillar of its realization in the abandonment of the village, in the abandonment of agriculture, in the abandonment of animal husbandry and in the departure of people, forced Because not only has agriculture been abandoned, animal husbandry has been abandoned, everything has been abandoned, but all other services have been removed from Kolonja, from Përmet, from Tropoja, from Kukës, from the courts, institutions, etc. etc. Why?! To make the cost of living in those areas unaffordable, worthless so that Albanians either run away, or come here to Tirana and become consumers of the tower economy.

Therefore, we will start with the restructuring of the budget, " underlined Ilir Meta.

He further adds that: "Rama has made an ideological and political choice, he has chosen to place Albania and Albanians under global governance. We think that they should be governed by their will to be proud of who we are and to preserve Albania for centuries to come because globalism is deadly for peoples who do not protect their roots.

Through our program we deal a blow to depopulation, the deliberate agenda of Renaissance that has bankrupted this vital sector for the country.

The pillar of depopulation is the abandonment of the village and agriculture and livestock.

In the first year, the budget will be 30 million, we will remove the tax yoke.

The IPARD funds ended up in the incinerator which shows the pronounced hostility of the Renaissance to agriculture.

The Government cannot be proud of some hostels in Cologne, when in Cologne "Rilindja" has expelled the residents of Cologne. Farmers in Kolonje, Korça and all over the country are throwing their products into the canal, sawing fruit trees, closing farms and leaving Albania due to the lack of support from the Government that has abandoned farmers and farmers.

Let's go to every Albanian who won't leave his country or return, and explain our agricultural program to them on the ground. We are a country with tremendous potential in this direction" .

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