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DP representatives in the Court of Justice: The Port of Durres is being destroyed, the cost of the new one reaches 2 billion

DP representatives in the Court of Justice: The Port of Durres is being

Today, a hearing was held at the Constitutional Court to review the Democratic Party's application for the Port of Durres.

The second lawsuit filed by the opposition at the Constitutional Court addresses aspects of constitutional violations and is accompanied by a letter sent to the EU Commissioner for Competitiveness, due to the violation of the Stabilization and Association Agreement, which responded that the EU is following up on this issue. Earlier, the Constitutional Court chose to side with the government and dismissed an opposition lawsuit regarding the port.

In today's session, the member of the Court of Cassation, Marjana Semini, asked the representatives of the DP, as the plaintiff, what they mean in their claim by the term "port redevelopment" is not within this term. "What is the meaning of the term redevelopment of a certain facility such as the Port of Durres...", she asked.

Representatives of the DP as the plaintiff have responded that this term, as made available by Parliament, is understood to refer to the development of the current port, its modernization, and not the destruction of the current port and the establishment of a new port elsewhere.

" We have understood that it is about redevelopment and modernization of the current port where it was. Despite the fact that millions of euros have been spent in the past through concessionaires for development, we make the distinction that redevelopment is called a modernization of the port as a maritime transport structure for goods and citizens", - said the opposition representative.

Meanwhile, the vice-president of the Democratic Party, also a member of parliament and political leader of Durrës, Oerd Bylykbashi, has emphasized that the agreement foresees the redevelopment of the Port of Durrës and that the Port is an entity, a maritime transport hub and can also become an international railway transport hub...

" The Port of Durres is a hub of international maritime transport. It has been and can be restored to a hub of international rail transport. It is a hub of Albanian and international road transport. It is a hub of passenger transport and then a hub of all economic activities related to it.

It is a national security hub, one of NATO's largest exercises began there, which started as a point and ended in the Baltic. Development projects have always aimed to increase the capacities of that port. The agreement was made in secret and the internationals stopped all investment agreements after they became aware of it.

With this agreement, this port is gone, it is no more. According to conservative estimates, the new port to be built elsewhere will cost up to 1 billion euros, while independent experts predict that it will cost up to 2 billion euros.

 400 million will be paid by Albanian citizens from their own pockets only for the first three years. And this is not enough to make the new port project happen. Meanwhile, the current port disappears to make something else, a new port.” - emphasized Bylykbashi.

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