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The Bern Convention is expected to examine the impacts on the Vjosë River and the construction of the Vlora airport

The Bern Convention is expected to examine the impacts on the Vjosë River

The Permanent Committee of the Berne Convention is expected to examine in the 44th session held in Strasbourg from December 2 to 6 the impacts on the Vjosa River in Albania and the construction of the Vlora Airport.

The Berne Convention, also known as the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, is an international binding legal instrument in the field of nature protection and conservation.

Albania signed this Convention in 1995 and it entered into force in May 1999.

According to the documents published by the Convention, two reports are expected to be presented to the Berne Committee, one from the Albanian government and one from the "complainants" that include the Albanian environmental organizations "Eco Albania" and "PPNEA", related to the developments and possible threats of ecosystem of the river "Vjosa" and the impact of the construction of Vlora Airport in the Vjosa-Nartë Protected Area.

A year ago, the Berne Convention asked the Albanian government, through an official recommendation, to stop the construction of the Vlora Airport in the Vjosë-Nartë Protected Area.

The Berne Convention has encouraged the Albanian authorities to work together with civil society and other stakeholders for an in-depth environmental impact study.

According to the documents published by the Convention for the 44th session, the Albanian authorities are expected to report on the measures taken to mitigate the possible impact of the airport on the environment.

In the report of the Government of Albania, which VOA has seen, it is stated that "the construction of the Vlora Airport has been meticulously planned to minimize habitat destruction and detailed Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) have been carried out before the start of construction. project, identifying critical habitats and proposing measures to mitigate negative effects".

While the Eco Albania organization in the role of "complainant" in the report expresses concern that "the International Airport in the Vjosë-Nartë protected area (now called Nartë-Pishë-Poro) is ongoing and the companies are working at full speed, despite the request of Berne Convention on the Prohibition of Works".

The positions of the Albanian authorities and the Albanian environmental organizations are expected to be presented to the Convention regarding the alleged threats to the ecosystem of the Vjosa River from the water diversion project from the Shushica River (a tributary of the Vjosa River) for the water supply of the municipality of Himara.


The construction of the Vlora airport started in November 2021 by a consortium of companies, where 50% of the shares were owned by "Mabetex" of the entrepreneur Behgjet Pacolli, in partnership with the Turkish company, "Yda Group", which had 48% of the shares. while 2% belong to the company from Kosovo "2A Group Shpk".



Vlora Airport

The Turkish company withdrew from the consortium and the "Mabco Constructions" Company took possession of 98% of the shares of the Vlora International Airport concession.


Vlora Airport covers an area of ​​297 hectares with an estimated investment value of around 100 million dollars. The length of the track is expected to be up to 3.2 kilometers and the passenger terminal will have an area of ​​25 thousand square meters.


Two days ago, Prime Minister Edi Rama inspected the works in the area where the airport is being built and stated that this project is of great importance for the economic development of Albania, especially for the southern region, and the infrastructure is being developed at a fast pace.


"Now we need to work day and night to ensure that the next summer season is included in the activity of the airport and in the general economic activity of the country, and then surely many other positive things will come from the presence of the airport", said Prime Minister Rama .


According to the Albanian authorities, in April next year, the phase of publishing the airport according to international standards will be closed, under the supervision of the airport operator, which is the Munich International Airport.


According to environmental organizations, the Vjosë-Nartë Protected Area is one of the most important ecosystems in Albania, the second most important wetland in Albania and home to rare species of animals and plants.

The area is a habitat for more than 220 species of birds throughout the year and has a high importance even beyond the region, in terms of the migration corridor of the Adriatic./ VOA

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