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Reasons why you continue to love someone even though they hurt you

Reasons why you continue to love someone even though they hurt you

Sometimes it seems like love should be simple: you find someone, they love you, you love them, and you make each other happy.

But it's not always like that. Many people find themselves loving someone over and over again who hurts them over and over again.

There are several reasons why this happens:

1. You're afraid you won't find someone else.

Being in an unhappy relationship is no better than being single.

If you keep going back to someone you know isn't right for you, simply because you don't want to be alone, then you need to work on yourself to understand what scares you so much about the single life.

2. You lack self-confidence.

One of the reasons you stay in an unhealthy relationship is that every time they hurt or disappoint you, they destroy the confidence you have in yourself, which makes you rely and depend on them even more.

It's a tactic used in toxic relationships for the dominant partner to gain even more control, putting you down so much that you begin to believe that no one else can love you.

3. Hopes for a change.

Do you find yourself constantly justifying your partner?

You even keep coming back to him because you're convinced that this time it will be different!

Maybe he even tells you that he will change, that he will listen to your needs and will not hurt you like last time. And of course, you believe him!

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