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'27 years of solitude'/ After Rama's departure, Veliaj begins to calculate how long he will stay in prison

'27 years of solitude'/ After Rama's departure, Veliaj begins to

The Mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj, has reacted through a post on Facebook, where he describes his arrest as an injustice and compares it to Kafka's novel, The Trial.

In his message, Veliaj asks the question of why he is in prison, while emphasizing that he was convicted without evidence and without a due process of law.

He mocks the accusations against him, noting that he has been suspected of corruption and money laundering since 2004, at a time when he was only 25 years old and had no acquaintance with the people mentioned in the file.

But if until yesterday he thought he had a shred of support from the party, last night even this hope was dashed.

Apparently, the news reached Veliaj in prison that Rama had ordered that no one should defend Lali Erin anymore, or that they should resign from being MPs and defend him. Here, he had used as a pretext the appearance of MP Etjen Xhafaj in a television studio where he had defended Veliaj and declared that he was innocent.

Veliaj's post:

27 years of loneliness

Good afternoon and easy fasting to all brothers and sisters. Since evil neither fasts nor rests, but feeds daily with wickedness and deceit, it is necessary for me, and for us, to fight daily against the haram that surrounds us.

After I was prosecuted with Nesti Angoni's anonymous letter, after I was declared "convicted" on the first page, and after the "crimes" that range from the boy's toys, to the campaign in Rrogozhina and Kavaja, and from Facebook statuses to those on Instagram, the question arises: Why am I in prison? Kafka also says in "The Trial", it's good that I am guilty without guilt and without facts, but why the punishment without a trial?

There are three factors that the Court must take into account: the risk of flight, the destruction of evidence, and the social danger. Let's take them in turn: The risk of flight Judge Bani reasons that since Ols Dado accuses me of offenses punishable by 12 and 15 years - that is, 27 years in prison - I would flee Albania.

Yes, yes, read it: "A logical legal conclusion can be reached in the form of reasonable possibility, on the real possibility of escape if no intervention is made to impose a coercive measure on this citizen."

I am suspected by Ols Dado of having committed 9 times the criminal offense of "Passive Corruption of High State Officials or Local Elected Officials", committed in collaboration, starting in 2004, at the age of 25, with persons whom I neither knew then nor anticipated that I would know in the future. I am suspected by Ols Dado of having committed more than once the criminal offense of "Laundering the proceeds of a criminal offense or criminal activity".

Do you understand? Since Olsi will ask for 27 plus years in prison, I have to go to prison without even starting the trial. But I was in Germany on the day of the raid and I returned immediately! I traveled to the US twice more on December 30 and January 20 and returned again. Where is the danger?

Where is the escape? Wouldn't the measure of keeping the passport be enough, so that even the escape from Olsi and Bani would not be affected, but I could also continue the work for Tirana, which should not be stopped for a moment? But, as Kafka commented about his pursuers in "The Trial":

"I don't even think about running away from these two exemplary persecutors, who have pursued me with such zeal and passion that I almost feel sorry to leave them alone in court." This is about the risk of running away, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow we will talk about my high social risk. I love you all!

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