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SPAK file: Veliaj and Xoxe, money laundering scheme with funds from the American Embassy and the EU

SPAK file: Veliaj and Xoxe, money laundering scheme with funds from the American

SPAK investigations are uncovering a vast network of corruption and money laundering linked to Tirana Mayor Erion Veliaj and his wife Ajola Xoxe. According to the special prosecution file, part of the scheme was implemented through Xoxe's non-governmental organizations, which received funds from the US Embassy in Tirana and the European Union Delegation for projects that were not implemented.

According to SPAK documents, the US Embassy in Tirana was involved in the corruption scheme, especially in the section that collaborated with the Soros Foundation. One of the cases included in the investigation shows that for a project with four activities, a grant of 18 thousand euros was received from the Embassy, ​​but of these, only one activity was implemented.

The file also includes communications between the financier of Xoxe's NGO, Adela Kondakçiu, and the organization's former administrator, which discuss how fictitious projects were approved and funds were distributed.

EU money and the dubious grant scheme

Not only the American Embassy, ​​but also the European Union Delegation has provided funds for Xoxe's NGO projects. For example, for the SPARE project alone, it has received over 22 thousand euros, while the SPAK file raises doubts about the implementation of these projects.

Through these NGOs, Veliaj and Xoxe have secured significant sums of money, abusively using funds provided for various projects. SPAK investigations continue to fully uncover the scheme and the responsibilities of those involved in this affair.

SPAK file: Veliaj and Xoxe, money laundering scheme with funds from the American

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