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Kreshnik Çollaku reconfirms the union with Berisha: I am not ready to reject an outstretched hand

Kreshnik Çollaku reconfirms the union with Berisha: I am not ready to

Democratic deputy Kreshnik Çollaku has reconfirmed the union with Berisha.

Çollaku writes on Facebook that NK is ready to reject the outstretched hand and that peace and unity are needed. He emphasizes that this union must extend beyond one or two MPs.


It looks like an outstretched hand for peace and unity, yesterday's position of (former Re-establishment) today the leadership of PD.

I, as a member of the Democratic Party, lined up in opposing positions with the former Reestablishment for these three years..., I am not ready to reject an outstretched hand for peace and unity, at least not without proving its truth.

But the issue of the DP merger is not a matter of the merger of one or several deputies.

The issue of the DP union is a necessary challenge, if two whole human realities, separated within the DP, can be brought together.

These are not amorphous masses of people, but a whole human structure organized by both parties.

The challenge is to bring these two realities, sometimes different and sometimes opposite, together.

The idea of ​​a structured Fraction within the DP, even though for the first time as an experience in the history of pluralism in Albania..., could be an option that should be seriously explored.

A Fraction structured from the center to the last organizational unit in the entire territory..., is an opportunity and perhaps the only opportunity to guarantee the coexistence of different and opposite realities, preserving the principles and attitudes of each party in dignity and integrity under the banner of the Democratic Party.

I think that peace and unity in DP should be given a chance, and the outstretched hand should be answered with an outstretched hand.


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2025-02-15 13:01:41