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Ditari i Opozitës

Media and DP MPs in Brussels, PR leader: Need for a caretaker government, a necessity

Media and DP MPs in Brussels, PR leader: Need for a caretaker government, a

The Chairman of the Republican Party, Fatmir Mediu, is at the European Parliament in Brussels together with the members of the Democratic Party, Albana Vokshi, Jorida Tabaku and Oerd Bylykbashi, as part of a 2-day event organized by the EPP and ECR.

During meetings with the leader of the People's Parties, Manfred Weber, and deputies of the people's parties, the largest group in the European Parliament, Mediu says that they explained the situation in Albania and, according to him, the impossibility of free and fair elections.

Medium's post

Together with colleagues from the Democratic Party, Vokshi, Tabaku and Bylykbashi, we are at a 2-day event organized by the EPP and ECR

During meetings with the leader of the People's Parties, Manfred Weber, and members of the people's parties, the largest group in the European Parliament, we explained the serious situation in Albania, the impossibility of free and fair elections, the intervention and influence of organized crime in buying votes, intimidation of voters, and the use of the state and administration in elections.

Free and fair elections are Albania's obligations as a NATO member state and a country seeking to become a member of the EU.

The need for a caretaker government is a necessity for elections, to guarantee free and fair elections and to keep the hands of the government away from manipulating elections.

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