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Video in the Port of Durrës/ How 7 packages of cocaine were hidden in the van with English license plates

Video in the Port of Durrës/ How 7 packages of cocaine were hidden in the

The State Police has disclosed the details of the "Package" operation, thanks to which 7 packages of cocaine weighing 7.3 kg were seized and two people were arrested, namely Arjan Doçi and Mentor Çuni, cousins, one of them the driver of the van. . 

It appears from the footage that the cocaine was vacuum packed to prevent sniffing by anti-drug dogs under the driver's seat. 

Police notification: 

Port, Durrës/The coded police operation "Pakot", developed by the Border Police of the port of Durrës, in cooperation with the DVP Durrës, the Criminal Police Department and the customs authorities of the port, is finalized.
Thanks to the increased controls of the Border Police and with the support of the informational intelligence of the investigative structures of the State Police, another case of attempted trafficking of hard drugs is prevented and dealt with.
They were found hidden in a van and seized as material evidence, 7 packages of cocaine narcotics, with a total weight of 7 kilograms and 300 grams.
The owner of the van and the driver of the van where the narcotics were found were arrested.
The Border Police Services, in the wake of consecutive operations for the prevention, identification and suppression of attempts to traffic in narcotics, as a result of the intensification of control, based on the risk analysis and informational intelligence provided by the investigative structures of the Border Police of the State, they passed for a detailed check in the second line, at the exit, the van driven by citizen AD.
From the detailed check, using modern control techniques, the Police services found hidden in the lower part of the seat, in a secret place created for this purpose, 7 packages wrapped in natriban, inside which there were suspected cocaine narcotics, with a total weight of 7 kilograms and 300 grams.
Following the first investigative actions, the specialists for the Investigation of Illegal Traffic and Narcotics of DVP Durrës have arrested the following citizens in the act:
-AD, 40 years old, resident of Tirana, driver of the van;
-M. Ç., 28 years old, resident of Tirana, the owner of the van.
As material evidence, 7 kilograms and 300 grams of the narcotic cocaine, 4 mobile phones, a van, 3,950 euros, 21,700 allek, 150 Swedish crowns and 60 francs were seized.

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