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"Basha cooperates with Rama", Vokshi shows the messages that Balla sends on his mobile phone

"Basha cooperates with Rama", Vokshi shows the messages that Balla

The DP deputy, Albana Vokshi, says that yesterday's opposition protest was a clear indication and a message to Lulzim Basha that the democrats are united.

Invited to A2 CNN, Vokshi added that the mass participation in the protest "slammed Basha in the face" that he was wrong, meanwhile he made a strong accusation against the chief democrat, saying that he cooperates openly with Prime Minister Edi Rama, through Taulant Balla.

She even says that there is evidence for this, bringing some messages that for Vokshi are facts about how he receives orders from the Minister of the Interior, Balla.

"We showed Basha and Rama that we not only fill the alley, but also the Boulevard full of tears. To say that you are not united because Basha did not come, to have 50 MPs and Basha to have 7, who are not even in the opposition, what does Basha choose who is not in the opposition.

He is in direct agreement with Basha through Balla and he receives his orders from Balla, we have also verified the messages that Balla brings " wait don't put it to the vote because Basha is coming ", or did the message that told Basha " come on" go out ? " , declared Vokshi.



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