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Berisha praises Ilir Ikonomi and Beqir Sina: Voice of America resisted even the crazy censorship of recent years

Berisha praises Ilir Ikonomi and Beqir Sina: Voice of America resisted even the

The leader of the Democratic Party, Sali Brisha, praised journalists Ilir Ikonomi and Beqir Sina during his speech in Kavaja.

Berisha said that Voice of America resisted the censorship of recent years and stood as the voice of truth.

Berisha: Dear Fisnik, you have chosen to honor today also prominent Albanian personalities abroad, Ilir Ikonomi, Beqir Sina.

Ilir Ikonomi is one of the country's most prominent journalists, publicists, and even historians.

The Voice of America played an extraordinary role in the overthrow of the communist dictatorship as the sole source of information and encouragement for Albanians.

For Albanians, the Voice of America was the voice of truth. While many other voices at the time thought that Albania should remain the Cuba of the Adriatic, the Voice of America did not share this opinion, nor did the US administration.

Voice of America has remained a beloved radio and television station for all Albanians.

It managed to resist, we must say, miraculously, even the insane censorship of recent years that erupted in the great land of freedom. The voice of truth stood firm again, which makes this US news outlet even more admirable for all Albanians.

Ilir Ikonomi has written some of the most accomplished works about some of the most prominent personalities in our national history. His contribution constitutes a rewriting of history, because we have had the misfortune of being a nation with a forbidden history, with a falsified history, with a distorted history.

His works have presented to the public the truth about our great personalities, men who have played an extraordinary role in the country's independence, in our national renaissance, and in many fields.

Therefore, your selection to honor Mr. Ilir is an extraordinary honor for the city of Kavaja.

Beqir Sina, a representative of that stratum that was sacrificed, was martyred for the highest human values, of that stratum that after World War II would experience concentration camps, built on the model of Nazi camps, with the sole purpose of exterminating the enemy stratum.

This is the truth.

Beqir Sina represents that layer, which, as the elite of the nation, was designed to disappear, to cease to exist.

And then the bewildered man, the new man, was created.

Beqir Sina, a talented journalist and writer, has completed the series of works of our literature 'Live to Tell' with his works, without which Albanian literature and its history would be incomplete. Not only incomplete, but also ashamed because he was a very dramatic reality.

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