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Zhupa: Saranda Fishing Port in Deplorable Condition, Institutional Irresponsibility

Zhupa: Saranda Fishing Port in Deplorable Condition, Institutional

MP Ina Zhupa, during meetings with fishermen in Saranda, brought images of the deplorable state that the Fishing Port in Saranda has been left in.

In a Facebook post, Zhupa lists a series of problems observed at the port, and states that this deplorable situation is the fault of irresponsible institutions.

Zhupa addresses the Minister of Agriculture and MP for Saranda, Anila Denaj, and Mayor Caci, reminding them that they only go to the fishermen for meetings about votes and have done nothing for them in these years.


The Fishing Port in Saranda is in a deplorable state, institutional irresponsibility.

The situation of the fishing port in Saranda today is dramatic. The government only remembers fishermen when it comes to voting, and I have been reporting on the fishermen's problems for 4 years and there has been no improvement or attention.

At the fishing port you see:

-Ships that have been in the shipyard for 10 years, taking the place of other ships that require refit.

-Private yachts that have nothing to do with fishing but that take the place of fishing boats and do not allow them to be repaired in a timely manner.

-Tourist boats anchored at the pier that, with friends and violence, have taken the place of simple fishermen's boats.

-Water cut off and electrical booths destroyed by certain clientele who want exclusive services to boats.

- Piles of waste and dirt of all kinds, making it seem like you're in a large recycling landfill rather than a fishing port.

Fishermen have been abandoned in every aspect, they have been stripped of all funds and subsidies after Krifc and its clients wiped out IPARD funds, and now they are not even creating the minimum conditions for a dignified fishing port.

Anila Denaj and Oltion Caci remember coming to campaign and ask for the votes of fishermen, but they haven't remembered in these years to build the conditions to do their honest work that supports their families. You can't lie to them anymore!

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