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Tensions in the north of Kosovo! A group of Serbs block the road in Merdar

Tensions in the north of Kosovo! A group of Serbs block the road in Merdar

The road near the border crossing point between Serbia and Kosovo, Merdar, was blocked in the Serbian part on Friday afternoon.

Two vehicles, one with a Serbian flag on the passenger window, and several people next to them are seen parked in the middle of the road leading to the border crossing to Kosovo.

As announced, roads will be blocked at the other two border points between Serbia and Kosovo - Jarinje and Bërnjak - as well as near the crossing point between Kosovo and Montenegro, in Kula.

The Kosovo Police is continuously performing its duties at the border point in Jarinje, while the Serbs have warned of blocking this border point, according to what the media in Kosovo are reporting.

The Kosovo Police officers were seen wearing bulletproof vests, while KFOR and EULEX forces are also present, which are observing the situation.


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