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In handcuffs Breçani and the chief of Crimes, SPAK clears up the charges against the criminal group: Over 900 kg of narcotics seized

In handcuffs Breçani and the chief of Crimes, SPAK clears up the charges

The Special Prosecutor's Office against Corruption and Organized Crime registered on 28.04.2023 criminal proceedings no. 78 of 2023, for the criminal offenses of "Providing conditions and material means to commit murder", "Unauthorized possession and production of weapons, explosive weapons and ammunition", "Production and sale of narcotics", "Trafficking in narcotics", "Cleaning of the proceeds of a criminal offense or criminal activity", "Structured criminal group", "Commitment of criminal offenses by a criminal organization and structured criminal group", provided by articles 80, 278, 283, 283/a, 287, 333/a and 334 of the Criminal Code.

In the framework of this criminal proceeding, the Special Structure against Corruption and Organized Crime, in intensive cooperation with Eurojust, Europol and the Dutch, Belgian, German, Brazilian, Colombian and French law enforcement agencies, has conducted investigations regarding several Albanian citizens involved in criminal activities in Albania, in South America as well as in some other countries in Europe. It has also been investigated in connection with some previous criminal events that occurred in Albania.

During the intensive investigations carried out by BKH investigators, under the guidance of special prosecutors, it became possible to document the criminal activity of suspected persons, as well as to identify some of the perpetrators of criminal events and the commission of criminal offenses, which were carried out in cooperation, in the form of a structured criminal group, as follows:

Seizure of 446 kg of cocaine in the Netherlands on 05.01.2021;

Seizure of 69 kg of cocaine in Brazil on 18.02.2021;

Seizure of 166 kg of marijuana in Erwitte, headed from Spain to Germany;

Seizure of a quantity of 250 kg of the narcotic substance cocaine, sent from Brazil to the airport of Frankfurt am Main, Germany;

Identification of suspected perpetrators for providing the conditions for the murder of two citizens in the Republic of Albania;

Cleaning the products of the criminal offense or criminal activity in the Republic of Albania;

The documentation of other episodes of drug trafficking from Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and other Latin American countries to the countries of the European Union is continuing.

Assets, which are the product of this criminal activity, have also been documented, for which their seizure has been requested.

Criminal offenses committed by public officials, high-level state police officers, which violated the orderly functioning of the legal state and the rule of law, were also documented.

The involvement of police officers in criminal groups has been documented.

Based on the request of the Special Prosecutor's Office against Corruption and Organized Crime, the Special Court of First Instance for Corruption and Organized Crime with decision no. 124, dated 17.11.2023, decided to assign personal security measures "arrest in prison" for 10 citizens suspected of committing criminal offenses, specifically for citizens IZ, BA, D.Gj, EB, BM, AS, AP, BG, EB, EM and the measure of personal insurance for citizen JB

On 20.11.2023, the General Directorate of the State Police and the National Bureau of Investigation, under the direction of the Special Prosecutor's Office, executed the orders for the execution of criminal decision no. 124, dated 17.11.2023, for 4 citizens, specifically for EB citizens , BM, D.Gj. and BA

During the execution of court decisions, control was exercised in apartments and other premises, where monetary amounts, vehicles, telephones, various firearms were found and seized as material evidence.

We thank the State Police for the professionalism shown and the close cooperation during the execution phase of the court decisions.

Special thanks to Eurojust, Europol, the French Judicial Authorities and the Dutch, Belgian, French and German law enforcement agencies for the intensive cooperation and contribution given in the framework of the investigations of this criminal proceeding.


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