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What are the luckiest dates for each zodiac sign for December

What are the luckiest dates for each zodiac sign for December

You will give new life to projects that you had previously left for the end. You may feel more driven and spontaneous during the first three weeks of December, especially when the new moon in Sagittarius falls on December 12. Starting December 13th, Mercury retrograde through Capricorn can make you second-guess decisions you've made recently in your career. Take your time to evaluate your options and avoid impulsive changes during retrograde, as you may regret them later. Once the solstice arrives on the 21st and Capricorn season begins, you'll begin to take yourself and your life path more seriously, which may lead to people leaving who felt distracted from your larger purpose. Use the full moon in Cancer on December 26 to clarify what your priorities are for yourself, especially when it comes to family responsibilities and self-development. You'll end the year feeling financially blessed as Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, moves direct into Taurus, stimulating your money sector for the next five months.

Jupiter has been retrograde in your sign for four and a half months and at the end of this month it will finally move. This will help you eliminate distractions and create a plan for what you want to achieve. You have a month to make sure you're living up to your values, and the new moon in Sagittarius on December 12 serves as an ideal starting point to release limiting beliefs and focus on the best case scenario. One caveat is that Mercury begins its retrograde through Capricorn just one day after the new moon, so part of you may feel indecisive when setting your goals. Surrounding yourself with people who inspire you and who want to partner with you in your endeavors is your key to success. Capricorn season begins on the 21st and five days later the full moon in Cancer illuminates your communication and creativity sector. The last week of December can be quite rewarding, but to reap the rewards you have to be willing to put your art and talent to work instead of staying in your comfort zone. Jupiter's direct move into your sign on December 30 will feel like the ultimate holiday party, and you'll feel like the universe really wants you to win. Celebrate your evolution!

Do your best to reduce the amount of work you do or the tasks you are responsible for this month. Instead, focus on completing the missions you had previously procrastinated on - Mercury's presence in Capricorn will allow you to connect with co-workers who take their work seriously. You just have to be willing to take the job as seriously as they do. Once Mercury begins retrograde on the 13th, it's best to stay out of the drama. Your secret haters or enemies may come out and make your life miserable. The more you focus on your journey and stay in your lane, the more you will be able to prevent these people from affecting your happiness. Once Mercury moves back into Sagittarius on the 23rd, don't be surprised if ex-friends or ex-lovers show up. You will pay more attention to how your daily actions and intentions make you feel and affect those around you.

As the month begins, your focus is on relationships. Mercury entering Capricorn on December 1 is making you more aware of what worked and what didn't in your most important partnerships. Instead of pointing fingers or blaming others, use the first half of the month to have clarifying and constructive conversations with loved ones, friends, family members or colleagues — anyone who may not understand your needs and expectations yours. Avoid giving in to passive-aggressive behavior or expecting people to read your mind. Once Mercury begins its retrograde in Capricorn, miscommunications or drama may arise. Avoid giving your confusion to others or letting them do the same to you. After December 26, you will have to decide who you can trust and why. If you've been in hibernation mode when it comes to social media or your social group, you'll end the year in a more social and passionate mood than you've felt in a long time, which could lead to a personal rebirth.

From December 12, a six-month period will begin with special experiences in your love life, whether single or a couple. The key is to be present with the magic of what you are romantically attracted to right now and not overdo it. Mercury in retrograde can highlight physical issues you've been dealing with in recent months – this would be a good time to get your annual check-ups if you haven't already. The Full Moon in Cancer on December 26th further emphasizes your need to check not only your physical health, but also your spiritual well-being. The year ends with Venus, the Planet of Love, entering Sagittarius on December 29th and Jupiter, the Planet of Fate, moving direct into Taurus on December 30th. These two opposite energies will make you reflect on the changes you can make in your career as well as the changes you are ready to make in your love life. You will find a balance between hard work and love.

A new sense of awareness will emerge in your relationships. When combined with Mercury entering Capricorn at the beginning of the month, you're likely to feel more emotionally in tune with the people close to you, making the first half of the month an ideal time to make amends and let people know that how do you really feel Venus, the Planet of Love, will be in Scorpio starting December 4th, further encouraging you to practice transparency in your relationships as well as the way you communicate. But beware - your stubbornness will increase as a result of this transit. On December 12th you are likely to feel tension when it comes to an important decision regarding the home. You may have to deal with the deceptions of a family member. Taking a step back from matters beyond your control is the key lesson. You'll end the month feeling inspired and somewhat exhausted because the full moon in Cancer reveals truths about enemies. Fortunately, Jupiter's direct move into Taurus on December 30th gives you a boost of sustainable energy.

This period will allow you to think more strategically and attract money by doing more of what emotionally stimulates your soul. If you've been wanting to share your art with the world, do so in the first half of the month, before Mercury begins its retrograde. Neptune, the Planet of Imagination, will end its retrograde in Pisces on December 6, further inspiring you to let your inner artist soar – and you'll likely be rewarded for it. The new moon in Sagittarius on December 12 intensifies your need for self-expression, as your communication sector is illuminated by this new moon. You will feel more confident about yourself and what you will share with the world in the next six months. But since Mercury begins its retrograde the day after the new moon, it's best to work behind the scenes and avoid distractions, especially after Mercury re-enters Sagittarius on December 23. Capricorn season begins on the 21st, shifting your focus to domestic life. A family secret may be revealed around December 26. Let the mask fall - end the year in the spirit of authentically discovering your truth.

Venus, the Planet of Love, enters your sign on December 4th. If you've felt like your love life has been in turmoil this year, Venus' transit through your sign can offset the chaos by helping you understand what it takes to make you feel fulfilled as a romantic partner. The key is now to admit this to your current, past or potential partner and avoid engaging in mind games - instead of trying to figure out which one of you loves the other more, you should focus on love for each other (and yourself). Direct transit of Neptune on December 6 brings attention to your sector of luck, true love and creativity. On the 12th, the new moon in Sagittarius offers you the opportunity to think of innovative ways to increase your income in the next six months - just make sure you've got a savings plan together, or the money will be spent as quickly as it's earned . Capricorn season is one of your most serious times of the year, so once the solstice arrives on the 21st, followed by the Full Moon in Cancer on the 26th, you'll find ways to continue expanding your empire so that stable. If you're an entrepreneur, at the end of the year you might not be in the typical holiday spirit—you'll be focused on work.

Enjoy December dear Sagittarius. With Mars in your sign all month, you're likely to feel empowered intellectually and physically by cosmic energy. Get clear about what you've been ready to let go of and be specific about what you're ready to bring into your life. Mercury begins its retrograde in Capricorn on the 12th, and then returns to your sign on the 23rd. This retrograde will help you evaluate yourself and remind you that what matters most is how you see yourself and how you define yourself. Use Capricorn season to have an honest conversation with yourself about what went well this year and what you want to improve on next year. Once your planetary ruler Jupiter ends its retrograde on the 30th, you'll feel mentally, spiritually and physically prepared to enter 2024 with your head held high.

Your birthday season begins this month, Capricorn. But before we get there, you'll be looking within yourself for some answers. It is important to focus on work that you find fulfilling and not just doing work that will improve your professional reputation. Use the new moon in Sagittarius on December 12 to get clear about the times you've exhausted yourself this year and commit to creating a new, healthier reality for yourself in the year ahead. Pluto, the Planet of Transformation, is completing its final stretch in your sign before re-entering Aquarius on January 20th. Chances are you'll have a lot of moments between December 12th and December 22nd (the peak of the New Moon manifestation period). Pay attention to the spiritual discharges you receive at this time, as they will serve you for years to come.

The first three weeks of December reignite your friendship and social networking sector. This is the time to break free, forget about your regular schedule and allow yourself to be free. Pluto is about to re-enter your sign on January 20, so spend December tapping into your dreamier nature and doing whatever your heart desires without feeling the need to explain yourself. The presence of Venus in Scorpio starting on December 4th can lead to exciting professional opportunities emerging this month. If you have the opportunity to start a new job, try to accept it before Mercury begins its retrograde in Capricorn on December 13. If you have to sign a contract during Mercury retrograde, make sure it's about an opportunity you've already been in discussions about weeks or months before the retrograde, and take your time reading between the lines. If this is a brand new opportunity, it's best to wait until mid-January before making any partnerships official. Neptune goes direct in Pisces on December 6, easing the pressure you've been feeling in your financial sector, and the new moon in Sagittarius on the 13th helps you feel more extroverted as we head into the second half of the month. However, once Capricorn season begins on the 21st, part of you will want to be the spirit of the party, and another part may feel lonely. It's up to you to find a balance between celebration and reflection.

Neptune, the Planet of Illusion, completes its five-month retrograde through your sign. You'll still experience an after-shadow period for more than a month, but if you've felt like you've been stuck in a mental fog for the past five months and that you've been more sensitive than usual, you'll start to notice that come to your senses. Use this period of clarity to dream up your ideal reality for 2024 - the new moon in Sagittarius hits on December 12 and inspires you to think outside the box when it comes to what you can do with your time, money and resources in the year next. Venus, the Planet of Love, will be in your sign starting December 4, and that gives you the will to do more than just dream — you'll want to create a real plan, which may mean leaving behind jobs or relationships that you have overcome. Make some big changes in your life in the first half of the month, because starting December 13th, Mercury retrograde can slow your momentum and make you second-guess some of the choices you thought were right for you. Fortunately, on December 30, you will remember that you are blooming.

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