Flash News
21-year-old dies after losing control of vehicle on Koplik-Dedaj road
Sterilization hearing ends after 9 hours, SPAK requests the case be sent to trial
28 political entities register to participate in the February 9 elections in Kosovo
Albanian politician in North Macedonia retires from politics after being blacklisted by the US
Fight between minors in Shkodra, 15-year-old threatens 13-year-old with knife after fight
There will be several planets together that will influence your life today and give it more energy. You who are in a relationship will trust your partner too much and at some point you may even get upset when he doesn't pay you the right attention. Know that he loves you seriously, but his work is also very important. You singles will not be able to control your feelings and without thinking long you will express your feelings to someone. Fortunately, you will learn that everything is reciprocal. At work, you will not do things by halves, but you will go to the end of the started projects. You will take the reins of spending in your hands and tighten them tightly.
Self-confidence will accompany you in every moment of the day today. You will feel invincible and you will achieve everything. Take advantage of every opportunity that will be given to you. If you are in a relationship, your partner will not like your behavior, but you will find a way to show him that he is wrong. The afternoon and evening should be even warmer. You singles will be a little stressed, but you will dare and express your feelings to someone. Prepare for answers that will surprise you. At work, your behavior and persistence will make you reach higher and higher. Finances will not be bad, but not great either
Today you should definitely avoid any kind of debate or disagreement with those you have by your side or with your relatives because your whole life will be clouded. If you are in a relationship you should not take risks because the day will be a bit delicate. Be more tolerant and you will not have bad surprises. You singles will unexpectedly have love at first sight. Study people well, then decide for the future. At work, all your plans will be realized and you will receive some rewards. The most privileged will be economists and architects. Finances will improve. There will be unexpected cash inflows in your coffers, but don't spend them excessively.
The crab
This will be a colorful week for everyone, but as there will be pleasant shades, gray and black will not be missing either. You who are in a relationship will think that you have not benefited much from the time of singleness and you will try adventures. You who are still alone will suffer so much from this situation that you will close your heart with two doors. You will be disappointed. The stars, on the other hand, advise you to be more open because there will also be meetings. At work, you will be ambitious to the maximum and you will take risks to get where you want to be. You will succeed even though you will be a little tired. Be more strict with your financial management so you don't fall into the abyss.
Sot do jeni të gatshëm të bëni çdo lloj gjëje që gjithçka te ece sa me mire. Do ndërtoni ura lidhëse edhe me disa persona që më pare nuk i keni pëlqyer aspak. Nëse jeni në çift dhe keni një lidhje të fortë, do të dyfishohet pasioni ndërmjet jush dhe partnerit. Nëse lidhja juaj ka probleme atëherë duhet të luftoni shumë që t’i bëni ballë tradhtive. Klima për ju beqaret do jetë e ngrohtë. Përfitoni sa më tepër për të realizuar njohje të reja. Në punë do ju bëhet një propozim interesant nga i cili duhet të përfitoni sa më shumë. Urani do iu bëjë të tregoheni të matur me financat dhe do iu ndihmojë të filloni një projekt të ri në jetën profesionale.
Sot Hëna e re do ketë më shumë ndikim në jetën tuaj. Ajo do ju largojë mërzitjen dhe do ju ndihmojë të ndiheni më të çliruar. Ditë pa probleme do jetë kjo e sotmja për ju qe jeni në një lidhje. Do merreni vesh për gjithçka me atë që keni në krah dhe kënaqësitë do jenë të njëpasnjëshme. Ju beqarët duhet të jeni më realistë sepse nëse bëni gabime do vuani shumë gjatë më pas. Në punë do jeni më të organizuar dhe do bëni të pamundurën që të arrini sa më parë objektivat. Disa miq do i keni goxha mbështetje të fortë. Ekuilibri financiar nuk do tronditet aspak sepse do dini t’i bëni mirë llogaritë.
Do keni imagjinatë shumë të zhvilluar gjatë kësaj dite dhe do mundoheni ta bëni çdo çast sa më të veçantë. Për ju të dashuruarit do jetë ditë e mrekullueshme. Do dini si ta mbani gjithë kohës pas vetes partnerin dhe do kënaqeni në praninë e njeri-tjetrit. Ju beqarët duhet të pranoni çdo ftesë dhe më pas duke parë e duke vepruar. Askush nuk do iu detyrojë të bëni diçka që nuk do doni. Në punë Dielli do ju nxitë të jeni akoma më ambicioze. Nuk do ndaleni përpara pengesave dhe as pas kritikave që do merrni. Të ardhurat do jenë akoma më të mira se më parë dhe do arrini të kryeni të gjitha shpenzimet e menduara.
Herë do jeni me humor të mirë e herë me humor të keq sot kështu që priten edhe mosmarrëveshje. Miqve do iu jepni rëndësinë më të madhe. Ju të dashuruarit mendojini mirë gjërat para se të veproni sepse mund të lindin probleme të jashtëzakonshme dhe situata mund të ndërlikohet. Ju beqarët do keni një ditë të zakonshme dhe pa të reja. Prisni edhe disa kohë dhe keni për ta parë që çdo gjë do ndryshoje në mënyrë të befasishme. Në punë duhet të tregoheni shumë të duruar që të arrini atje ku keni dëshiruar gjithmonë. Mos u dorëzoni që me sfidën e parë që do ju dalë. Në planin financiar do i keni të gjitha kushtet për ta përmirësuar situatën, por duhet të tregoni vendosmëri dhe durim.
The Moon will have a great impact on your life today and together with Mars will stimulate you to advance in your career and keep your finances under control. If you are in a relationship, you won't have any problems, but neither will you have any extraordinary emotions. Take things in stride and don't ask for more than you give. You singles will have much more important things to deal with today and you will neglect the search for love. Don't expect new things because there won't be any. At work you will have great ideas and you will be very creative. Nothing will be impossible for you today. Finances will also be better.
Today you will not waste a single minute of time to implement the projects you have thought about for a long time. In some moments impatience will spoil your work. If you are in a relationship, your partner may get bored with you because he will see you very little because of the commitments you have. The best thing would be to maintain contact with him as much as possible and dedicate the whole evening to him. You singles will not refuse the invitations that will be made to you and will most likely start to see someone with a different eye. At work, a new activity will require you to react quickly. The achievements you will have will make the bosses give you more confidence. Try to manage your finances very carefully even though they may be good.
Today is not going to be as good as you dreamed it would be. Problems may also occur in the evening. The professional sector will be the most troubled. If you have a relationship, always try to be tolerant and do not oppose your partner for everything. If the debates started, the situation will be resolved soon. You singles will be charming, but you won't get many invitations. Apparently this is not going to be your day. You won't neglect anything at work, but you won't know how to channel your energies and you won't know what steps to take first. Fortunately, finances will not be too problematic.
In general, today should be positive and without serious problems. Get things laid out and do what seems most logical to you. If you are in a relationship, for any reason, do not make decisions without consulting your partner. He doesn't stop you, but he doesn't like you to do what you want either. You singles will have opportunities for meetings, but you will not prefer to rush. In me, the bosses will ask you to give more because they know your capacities. You may really struggle a little at first, but you will be amazed by what you will achieve. Money will be satisfactory so there will be no need to make many restrictions on spending.