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Berisha: Antony Blinken showed that he did not want opposition in Albania and Dumani was working against pluralism

Berisha: Antony Blinken showed that he did not want opposition in Albania and

Antony Blinken's visit to Tirana, for Berisha, was an indication that he did not want opposition in Albania.

The chief democrat said at a press conference that Altin Dumani was working against political pluralism and added that there have been attempts to destroy pluralism and leave the country according to the Soros doctrine.

Berisha: First of all, I must repeat, I guarantee you that I have the utmost respect and I have always had it, for every employee of this country who enforces the law. You should know one thing, I can tell you, that in Sali Berisha's social conscience, a special track is that of enforcing and respecting the law. In this context, in SPAK, in the police, in the courts and wherever they enforce the law, they have and will have my utmost gratitude and appreciation.

I have stated and I declare before you that SPAK is an institution with 20 or so prosecutors and about 50 OPGJ. I have no doubt that among them there are undoubtedly courageous, honest people who implement and are willing to implement the law.

Three, there are absolutely more despicable criminals than those who hang out in basements and wherever they are, because they use files to impose fines, manipulate evidence, and exonerate criminals, and I believe I have spoken with facts.

When I say SPAK is a criminal organization, I don't mean that every member of SPAK is a member of the criminal organization. No, absolutely never. But I mean those who sleep on crime, are taken hostage.

Erion Veliaj is accused and arrested this time. He has hidden his wealth. How can 1 million euros be a wardrobe? He has given building permits to those who have rewarded him.

But Erion Veliaj has his signatures in black and white for 130 million euros of the incinerator that does not exist. Is there a higher and greater monument of indictment than the incinerator, about which they do not say a word, while they issue an arrest warrant for Arben Ahmetaj.

Why do I think this reasoning of mine is right? But why should I take Altin Dumani as equal to Ols Dado? No, I never do. Because this one signed, while this other one signed for Arben Ahmetaj, mentioned the Tirana municipality 13 times in Ahmetaj's file and did not call Erion Veliaj once for the incinerator. Not to mention that state security executioner, who also had a nephew and niece in Erion Veliaj, an employee. Can we once again pass all the dirt and delinquency of one to the other. No.

We can't even pass the merits of one to the other, because I am in front of this situation, he signed. He found it in flagrant violation. This file was given to this prosecutor, let's be realistic, because Dumani shares the files. So there is no contradiction in what I say. It is very wrong and everyone who will respect the law should know that he has my strong, absolute respect and support.

But the attempt to destroy pluralism, to leave the country according to the Soros doctrine. I said to Antony Blinken, when he came here if you remember: Welcome to monist Albania, Mr. Secretary. Because he built it, he fought for monism in Albania, I say, convinced. And what was he. He was a shameful falsifier in American history.

He drafted a letter of a liar, for which he deserves to be called the chief of liars and became a chief diplomat. Are these the truths? So, please interpret me as I say. I can never compare the one who does the work, with the one who covers up, sleeps on the crime.

Taulant Balla read it yesterday in parliament. They were not from the opposition, they were from the file. Which was the reaction of the mercenary Dumani, he dared and threatened. He will absolutely be prosecuted for all that he has done, I guarantee you.

He thought he could flatten pluralism, supported by Soros. The coincidence was his meeting with Blinken, wasn't it? He came to Albania and who did he meet, none of the opposition to give the message that, we don't want an opposition in Albania. He met Dumani who was working day and night against pluralism. I have never defended myself with these, I have defended pluralism, the foundations of democracy in Albania.

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