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Goal: Albania's population was halved, but municipalities increased their staff by 90%

Goal: Albania's population was halved, but municipalities increased their

The President of the Freedom Party, Ilir Meta raises the alarm that while the population has halved, the personnel in the municipality has doubled.

In a press conference, Meta said that the expenses have also tripled.

Meta : The number of employees compared to 2015 has increased to 17,483 more, or about 90%. So Albania's population has halved in these 11 years of governance, but the personnel in the municipality has almost doubled, while the expenses for personnel salaries have tripled, 2.8 times more.

And these are the taxes of Albanian citizens that they pay in every municipality, for services that they never receive, but that go to salaries mainly, for the work of patron Nazis.

The increasing trend of personnel expenses shows the scandalous failure of this reform to create more efficient administrative structures through the reduction of the number of employees.

Also, a disturbing and alarming trend remains the low weight of investments, after the administrative-territorial reform.

After this reform, it is clear that the situation has worsened, with a significant annual decrease in investment spending.

From 31.3% of the total expenditure on investments that was in 2013, the total investment has a marked decrease to 23.8% of the total expenditure in 2023.
It is very logical, as long as the weight of the expenditure for salaries, for personnel, for patrons increases , will make investments for services to the community, for roads, for water pipes, for gardens, and many other daily services, which the local government has an obligation.

The significant drop in investment spending shows once again the scandalous failure of this reform to have a greater impact on the improvement of citizens' lives.

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