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Arson and murder, Albanians "occupy" Swiss prisons

Arson and murder, Albanians "occupy" Swiss prisons

Switzerland currently has 89 prisons with 7,196 places. The smallest prison has 5 prisoners, while the largest has 399 prisoners. According to the EDI section of crime and criminal law, of the 7,196 places in 89 Swiss prisons, 86% are full or 6,445 prisoners, where the Albanians from Albania lead in terms of their number, who also carry the red and black flag. , writes the Swiss newspaper  Le Canton27.ch.

Prisoners serve sentences for various crimes, from murder to those for other crimes for drugs, prostitution, theft, smuggling and other criminal offenses. The Department of Justice and Police and the Federal Department of Internal Affairs (EDI) in Bern have announced that there are 285 Albanians in prison.

This is the situation in Switzerland's 89 prisons:

- Albania with 3196 citizens in Switzerland, there are 285 of them in prisons.

- Serbia with 58,970 citizens in Switzerland, there are 76 in prisons.

- Kosovo with 300,000 citizens in Switzerland has only 58 of its citizens in prisons.

These convicts are serving prison terms from 3 to 20 years. However, in Switzerland there are also prisoners with life sentences. For example, last year in Swiss prisons there are 30 people who received life imprisonment (27 men and three women). Half of them are local and the rest are foreigners.

The Swiss newspaper Le Canton27.ch has learned from the Federal Department of Internal Affairs (EDI) that there are a total of 6,445 people detained in Switzerland. Of them, 4578 were of foreign nationality (71.0%). Albania (285), Serbia (76), Kosovo (58), North Macedonia (24), Greece (4), Montenegro (1).

From 2019 until today, about 7,000 convicts who do not have a Swiss passport have been ordered to leave the country. Courts will penetrate 60% of foreign criminals abroad, in their country of origin where hundreds of criminals will be sent to Albania, Serbia and Kosovo.


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