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"I disagree", the judge withdraws from reviewing Ajola Xoxa's appeal

"I disagree", the judge withdraws from reviewing Ajola Xoxa's

One of the three judges assigned to review the appeal filed by Ajola Xoxa and Arbër Veliaj has requested to withdraw due to incompatibility.

According to the Supreme Court's announcement, the review of the appeal, which was scheduled to take place on March 6, was postponed to a later date.

The judging panel consisted of Ilir Panda as rapporteur and Albana Boksi and Medi Boci as members.

Arbër Veliaj and Ajola Xoxa oppose the searches carried out in their homes and businesses on December 6 of last year.

"I disagree", the judge withdraws from reviewing Ajola Xoxa's

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